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ประวัติและผลงานหลวงพ่อวิริยังค์ สิรินธโร

อัพเดทข้อมูลล่าสุดวันที่ 8 สิงหาคม 2556 by Admin

Phra Tep Jetiyajan Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo 

For Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo, Lord Abbot of Wat Dhammamongkol, the journey towards enlightenment began More than sixty years ago in the northeastern village of Nakhorn Rachasima. At 13 years of age he witnessed a miraculous event that would change his life forever. The day was much like any other, filled with hard work and household chores, beginning at dawn with the collecting of watermelons in the fields

Master Teacher of Meditation, Phra Tep Jetiyajan, Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo, has attained many accomplishments and has faced numerous challenges in his life and he continues to do so. Therefore, it is impossible to share with you all of his endeavors. The following summary highlights some of the most important events in his life.

Phra Tep Jetiyajan, Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo was born on January 7, 1920. His father, a train station manager, retired to a life of farming in the northeastern village of Nakhorn, Rachasima, Thailand. It was here, along with his parents and six siblings that young Viriyang grew up. It was also in this village that the young boy had his first profound meditation experience. We go back in time to when Luangphor was approximately 13 years of age…

Luanghor had a good friend named Kim. One day Kim invited Luangphor to accompany her to the village temple for educational instruction. (At that time there was no formal education system in Thailand and the only place to learn to read and write was at the local temple). Luangphor did not want to go; he preferred to play outdoors with his friend Kim. Also, his father had already taught him how to read and write. However, Kim was determined, so the young boy reluctantly accompanied her to the temple. In the temple Viriyang sat next to Kim. The Abbot, the teacher, quickly advised him that a male could not sit next to a girl in the temple. Luangphor was dismayed! He did not want to go in the first place and now he had to sit away from Kim! He reluctantly got up and sat in the back corner. He was resigned to waiting while the four-hour class was conducted from 8:00 p.m. to midnight. He soon became bored. He closed his eyes and silently repeated in his mind- I not come again! I not come again! I not come again

Then something amazing happened! His spirit rose from his body and looking down he could see his arms, his legs; he could see his whole body. He could see high in the sky! He could see around the land! He could see under the water

At midnight he opened his eyes, just as the students were preparing to leave. He stopped the Abbot and asked him to explain what had happened to him. The Abbot was very surprised and stated,

“Viriyang, how is it that you have had such a profound meditation experience? You have had no teacher -some are not able to meditate this deep even after ten years of practice.”

This was Luangphor’s first encounter with meditation. It happened at a time when his family was not affiliated with any religion and when Luangphor had no meditation instruction. This is why Luangphor emphasizes that meditation is suitable for people of faiths and backgrounds and can be conducted by everyone regardless of faith, race, age or gender.

It was also around this time that Luangphor

experienced a traumatic and miraculous event that would change his life forever…

It was a typical day on the farm. At dawn Luangphor went to the field and picked watermelons. He then carried this very heavy load to market where he spent the day selling his goods. At days end he walked home, returning at dusk. He was tired and wanted to rest. Unfortunately, the water jugs at his home were empty so Luangphor was asked to fill them. With two buckets in hand he traversed back and forth and back and forth ? a kilometer to the river, until the jugs were filled. Task completed, he was extremely tired and wanted to rest, however, he only had time to eat supper. The rice containers were empty. After eating he went to husk the rice. There was no automated rice husker. Instead, Viriyang used a large wooden mortar and pestle to manually pound the rice paddy. This primitive device was operated by forcefully and vigorously stamping on a wooden lever. By foot he stamped on the wooden lever-he pounded and pounded and pounded and then…

Everything went black. He dropped to the ground. When he awoke about an hour later he could not move. He was totally paralyzed.

His parents summoned several doctors and experts over the following month to examine him but they all declared him incurable. The young boy laid suffering in a cot on the veranda of his parent’s home.

Little did his parents or others know that Viriyang had made a silent vow. He vowed that if he would be cured of his paralysis he would devote the rest of his life for the betterment of humankind.

Seven days later an ascetic, a holy man, dressed in white arrived at the boy’s home. (Luangphor has since referred to this man as White Robe). White Robe told Viriyang’s father that he had come to cure his son. His father informed the ascetic that he could try but his son was incurable. The ascetic bent down and whispered in the boy’s ear and said, “I have heard your secret vow.” He then asked the young boy to repeat the vow aloud. The young boy did. Luangphor thought to himself that only he knew of his promise and he began to think that if this ascetic had the ability to know his secret vow then maybe this ascetic would be able to help him. White Robe chewed on something and then from his mouth sprayed it over Luangphor’s body; one time-two times-three times in total. Amazingly, Viriyang was able to move and then run. He was totally cured of his paralysis!

The next morning the healer returned and asked the young boy to repeat his vow again and then instructed Viriyang to meet him at the local temple that afternoon. Luangphor arrived at the time instructed and found White Robe waiting under a tamarind tree. White Robe asked Viriyang to once again repeat his vow and then took the boy to a wooded area beyond the temple where they found a buffalo. Unexpectedly, the ascetic took a knife from his bag and swiftly severed the buffalo’s tail. While reciting a prayer, he reattached the tail, without seeming to hurt the animal in any way.

Then White Robe commenced to teach Luangphor a prayer and made the young boy promise that he would repeat it daily for the next ten years. If he missed a day what would happen? Viriyang would have to start all over again. Luangphor agreed and kept his promise. White Robe left and Luangphor never saw

his healer again.

Shortly after this encounter, Luangphor was introduced to a teacher in his village with whom he began to study. At the age of 15 Viriyang became an ordained novice and at the age of 20 an ordained monk. He spent the next 20 years in the forests and jungles of Thailand studying and practicing meditation with famous and highly eminent Master Teachers, including Phra Ajan Kongma and the esteemed Luang Phor Mun.

In the early 1960′s, after he had found extra-ordinary happiness and inner peace through meditation, he decided this knowledge would be wasted if he did not share it with others. In 1963, he left his woodland retreat and made a long and arduous journey to Bangkok. Here he took up residence on a swampy piece of land. His only neighbors-snakes. It was also here that he initiated the construction of his temple, Wat Dhammamongkol.

Luangphor’s great skill and knowledge resulted in him gaining many supporters and with their aid the temple was completed in 1985. Since then this project has expanded to include 25 acres of beautiful gardens, temples, classrooms and meditation facilities and resources.

Wat Dhammamongkol is now home to approximately 500 monks whom Luangphor oversees-providing them shelter, education and meditation instruction. The main pagoda is the tallest in Thailand, and is where the monks attend school. As well, on the grounds Luangphor has built an elementary school, open to area children whose parents would not otherwise be able to afford to send their children to school. The facility also contains a vocational training center where local adults can learn practical and employable skills to enter the workforce. One of the temples most recent additions is the Meditation Center offered to those seeking concentrated study in a tranquil environment. To date over 5,000 Thai students have graduated from the Meditation Instructor Course.

Additionally, Luangphor’s philanthropic efforts include a hospital in the northern province of Chiang Mai that he donated as well as two universities that provide post-graduate studies in administration and social development. (National Institute of Development and Administration is the University based in Bangkok).

His most ambitious project is the establishment of pre-school centers across the country for the countries poor. He has developed more than 570 early childhood development centers and hopes to eventually establish 5,000 across the country.

How did Luangphor become affiliated with Canada?

Luangphor had a vision to sculpt the image of the Buddha into the hardest material known-jade. In 1991 he had a vision of a huge boulder of jade submerged in the water. On the same day a 32-ton block of jade was discovered in a riverbed in British Columbia, Canada. Luangphor raised money to purchase the major find and had it sculpted into a sitting Buddha and a statue of the Chinese Goddess of Mercy.

This initial contact with Canada has expanded to the development of Meditation Centers across the country where the Meditation Instructor Course is offered free including Edmonton, Vancouver, Calgary, Niagara Falls, Toronto and Ottawa.

The establishment of the Meditation Centers is in accordance with another of Luangphor’s most ambitious projects- to support people around the world to meditate.

Luangphor’s vision is to promote world peace through meditation.

Luangphor’s lifetime commitment to world peace has been unwavering since his miraculous healing. He strongly believes that world peace can be attained if a sufficient number of the people in the world consistently meditate. Thus, he established the Willpower Institute Foundation, which is dedicated to supporting people from around the world to meditate.

This condensed account of Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo’s life history is evidence that he has kept the promise that he made to White Robe at the young age of 13 years-to devote his life to the betterment of humankind. A promise that he continues to pursue.